Welcome to the Father’s of Immaculate Conception School! We are a group of dedicated fathers and father figures who share a common goal of supporting our school community. Rooted in the values of our Catholic faith, our mission is to provide assistance with maintenance projects, offer hands-on support for school events, and raise funds for initiatives that benefit our students and faculty. Whether we’re lending a helping hand with repairs or organizing fundraisers, we strive to strengthen the bond between families, school, and parish. Together, we aim to make a positive, lasting impact for our children and their education.
Committed Projects - 2024
Hallway painting and decoration.
New enrollment sign
Before/After Pictures
Committed Projects - 2025
Field clean up
Further Projects to be identified
President: Dan Baker
Vice President: Jabazz Spence
Treasurer: Tom Martucci
Secretary: James Matulewicz
Members at Large:
Steve Rogala
Joseph Ruane
Jaime Ruiz
Dennis Keaveney
James Tyliczka