The children will learn about the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The Guardian Angel Prayer will be added to their prayer list. Parish life and sacraments are also learned. Prayer services, retreats and monthly Mass enhance the religion experience.
Language Arts
Through a phonics based program, the children learn to read through explicit instruction in vowel sounds, digraphs, diphthongs, blending words, and comprehension skills.
In Grammar, capitalization, punctuation, parts of speech and sentence writing are the main emphasis.
Spelling words are based on the sound being taught that week and high frequency words.
Learning addition and subtraction facts to 20 , place value to tens, time and money are the main topics covered. Strategies for working out word problems are also presented. They also learn measurement and data analysis through graphing.
There are four units taught - seasons, senses, animals and solar system. Through a multi-sensory approach, the children experience these concepts.
Social Studies
Starting with the family and expanding out to the bigger community, present and past, the children learn about the world around them. Map skill are also taught.