Children explore the early church as well as our church today. They learn about the Seven Sacraments, the Mass, the Rosary, Saints, the Kingdom of God, holy people and holy days, and Jesus as our Teacher. The Family Life Program and Good God Choices enrich the Religion curriculum by providing opportunities for discussions and activities in which the children grow spiritually.
Language Arts
Students use the McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders Program which includes web based activities and the use of the smartboard. Students develop strong skills in reading comprehension, fluency, decoding, summarizing, and making inferences through reading many genres. They develop and practice grammar, vocabulary, and phonics skills. Writing instruction includes informative and persuasive compositions, narratives, friendly letters, and research reports. Public Speaking is taught and practiced.
The Math Connects series by Macmillan McGraw-Hill is used. The smartboard and various computer based programs are utilized as well. .Students explore place value, addition and subtraction with regrouping, multiplication and division, graphing, measurement, time, money, and geometry. The facts are practiced and reviewed to create a strong foundation for the future. Students engage in problem solving and use critical thinking skills to solve word problems.
Students learn about plants, animals, environments, matter, energy, machines, sound, the earth, and weather. They engage in hands-on activities and participate in science labs to help grasp various concepts. The Science Studies Weekly program is used as well to enrich and reinforce science skills.
Social Studies
Students learn about rural, urban, and suburban communities. They learn about Native Americans, Pilgrims and pioneers. They explore the branches of our government. They research current events and present their research to the class. There is also a focus on map skills. The Scholastic News is used to learn about what is going on in our world today. The Studies Weekly program is also used to enrich and reinforce various social studies skills.