ICS is extremely lucky to have music on, at least, a weekly basis!
Kindergarten focuses primarily on musical exploration through singing, rhythmic movement, and musical expression/disucssion. Each class is generally fast-paced to ensure that little bodies are not sitting still for too long.
1st-8th grade explore a wide array of musical topics, but the primary focuses are based in Kodaly's pedagogy (solfege, Kodaly rhythm syllables, etc.) with a good amount of Orff instrumentation (xylophones, percussion family instrments, etc.) and Dalcroze movement to allow musical feeling to be put into the body. Group work is a crucial component through every grade, and the expectation is that students will be able to create their own musical moments and compositions through the tools they learn in class.
Grades 3-8 are each responsible for one to two first-Friday masses during the school year. With each class, I spend the month leading up to the mass teaching them a liturgical song to sing for the mass. This almost always includes a few soloists and the addition of instruments that are taught and played in general music (xylophones, percussion instruments, etc.). This allows the students.to sing together as a class, learn more about Christ through music, and be empowered to show the school and others in mass what they have worked hard to create as they worship.
Each year, grades 4-8 are invited to audition for the school musical. Shows have ranged from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat Jr. to the Little Mermaid Jr.
This past fall, we did Aladdin Jr. This is an absolutely wonderful opportunity for students to experience what it means to come together to create a large and detailed musical production. There are generally 3 rehearsals a week (with a few Saturday rehearsals as well) from the start of school in January to opening night in the middle of March. Students must learn and memorize songs, lines, choreography, and stage cues. The production is fully staged and in costume. For our 4th-8th graders who prefer to be behind-the-scenes, we have a stage crew that runs the lighting, cues, etc. and helps prepare props, costumes, etc. during the months of rehearsal. We do two night shows for the general public, and one show during the school day for the entire ICS student body, teachers, and staff.
ICS Choir
Choir is offered as an elective that students in grades 4-8 can choose to join. We meet twice a week during recess. The ICS Choir performs at the Barnes and Noble Book Fair, in the ICS Christmas Show, and for the International Day celebration. Choir also sings special selections in mass throughout the school year. This is a great opportunity to practice what it means to be an ensemble singer, a skill that any growing vocalist and musican needs to know. I work to make choir a collaborative opportunity where members are able to suggest repetoire, arrangement ideas, and instrumentation.